What is PRP?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy originated in Europe more than a decade ago. Its efficiency has been proven in various medical treatments including orthopedics, treating arthritis pain, treating tendon areas, and more. This is due to the benefits of high concentration of platelets in plasma vs normal blood. Injections of a liquid suspension of platelets is the basis of regenerative medicine and cellular therapy. By injecting additional platelets, we improve the body’s natural process of collagen rejuvenation. In our UK clinic, we use Swiss Regen Lab tubes and centrifuges for the blood separation process. This brand has one of the highest platelet concentration factor procedures used in London.

PRP for Hair Loss

In the past few years, doctors began to introduce PRP therapy in treating hair loss as research has shown that the high concentration of platelets in plasma is efficient to regrow hair in both men and women suffering from pattern baldness. In our London clinic, our doctors often practice this technique to regrow hair.

Who is Suitable for PRP Treatment for Hair Loss?

  • Anyone with thinning hair as growth factors will increase the thickness of the hair shaft.
  • Any men or women who experienced hair loss should be a good candidate but the sooner the better. Those with early hair loss as we noticed tend to respond best.
  • Patient with androgenic alopecia which is genetically determined that typically occurs along the top of the head.
  • Those who don’t respond to pills and lotion treatments.
  • Women who see their hair thinner following the menopausal period.
  • Women who notice hair loss after pregnancy or childbirth.

Our doctors, through their consultation, will identify if you are a good candidate as this PRP treatment will not work for everyone experiencing hair loss.

About the PRP hair treatment

PRP therapy for hair loss is a medical treatment which consists in injecting the drawn platelet-rich plasma into the patient’s scalp areas which need increased hair growth (at the level of the hair follicle). The PRP injection goes across the scalp, approximately every cm, over the area of thinning hair. The process is meticulous and involves only minimal discomfort or downtime as our experts use very small needles to re-inject the plasma. As platelets are rich in growth factors, they help stimulate the activity of the hair follicles and promote new hair regrowth. PRP hair treatment safe and effective for many men and women suffering from thinning hair

PRP for Hair Loss Contraindications

PRP for Hair Loss may not be effective if you suffer from thyroid disease or lupus, as these conditions will continue to cause hair loss. If you are on blood thinners, your platelets won’t work as efficiently. PRP promotes hair growth when follicles are present. People with extreme hair loss or non-existing follicles are generally not candidates for PRP hair treatments.

How Many PRP for Hair Loss Sessions Are Necessary?

We recommend a course of 3 to 5 injections, administered monthly, for a cumulative effect. Then PRP injection every 3 to 4 months on a long term basis. Injection schedules can vary by person depending on their genetic pattern, the amount of hair loss, age, hormones, and other factors. Overall, prp hair treatment success rate is high.

PRP for Hair Loss Results

PRP is the best non-surgical treatment for men and women suffering from hair loss. A number of scientifically based studies on PRP showed proven results in increasing hair count and hair thickness. PRP can improve hair health and growth for about 4 to 6 weeks. Most patients first notice a stop in their hair fallout. They also see an increase of the thickness followed by a regrowth soon after PRP injection.

PRP can be used in conjunction with other treatments such as hair transplant or fat injections into the scalp. In some cases it is possible, and even advisable, to opt for a mixture of many solutions to maintain and achieve maximum results. The first step to treating thinning or balding hair is to make an appointment by clicking the button at the top of the page.