Deep Pore Cleansing Facial Treatment

Deep Pore Cleansing Facial is a dermatological type of facial treatment involving an intensely deep cleanse of the face that purifies the skin. This treatment is the best solution to achieve a clear, radiant complexion. Performed by professional experienced therapists, our deep pore cleansing facial utilizes extraction medical skin care to remove all your skin’s impurities. Immediately after the deep cleansing facial, your skin will look fresh, moisturized and will have a beautiful glow.

Deep Pore Cleansing Facial Description

Before starting the treatment, our professional will remove your make up with a deep facial cleanser. Our expert will analyze your skin type and any area of concern to tailor-fit the best skin care treatment for you personally.

STAGE 1: The Peel
Usually, if the patient wishes, a mild glycolic acid peel is applied to exfoliate the skin and open the pores. We adapt each deep cleansing facial treatment to the patient’s skin type, e.g. oily, dry, sensitive, young or mature, for the best results. The first peel can be replaced by microdermabrasion if your condition does not allow for a glycolic peel. Exfoliation will remove the top layer of dead skin cells revealing fresh new skin beneath.

STAGE 2: The Extraction of Blackheads and Whiteheads
Following the peel, the specialist will extract blackheads and whiteheads using a magnifying glass to help clear the skin of all impurities. Extraction of comedones on the nose will clear clogged or congested pores. With the extraction, we can remove blackheads, whiteheads or microcysts using a microneedle so you can experience all the deep cleansing facial benefits. This procedure is completely painless and does not require anesthesia. Areas of active acne or inflammation will not be treated at this stage due to chances of scarring.

STAGE 3: The Hydration
Next, the skin specialist will do a lymphatic draining massage and apply potent hydrating or anti-aging creams rich in vitamins and nutrients that penetrate deep into the dermis.

STAGE 4: The Thermal Heating Mask
Once the skin is prepped, the practitioner applies a thermal heating mask to ensure deeper and more accurate penetration of the active ingredients. This step helps to calm the skin and prevents excess redness associated with the previous steps. It’s a tranquil, warm and relaxing way to end the deep cleansing facial. The thermal mask is used to help loosen the muscles fibers. When it cools, the mask contracts to lift your skin and give it firmness.


Deep Pore Cleansing Facial Help for Acne

When pores become clogged with sebum or dirt, bacteria are likely to grow and cause acne. Regular exfoliation and extraction of pore-clogging sebum with antibacterial ingredients will prevent acne breakouts and help control acne without irritation.

Deep Cleansing Facial Benefits

Deeply cleansing the skin helps improve the appearance, texture, and tone of the skin. It also provides a solution to problem skin types including acne-prone skin. The deep cleansing facial treatment is completely bespoke for each patient. You can see the results immediately after your session and in the weeks following the treatment. For best results, we generally recommend having 2-3 treatments set at one-month intervals to allow for healthy cell renewal.

Deep Cleansing Aftercare

We recommend using a deep facial cleanser daily. It is highly beneficial to make this treatment an integral part of your skin health routine as deep cleansing facial benefits are ample. To avoid pigmentation, apply an SPF cream for two weeks after the treatment.

How Much Does a Deep Cleansing Facial Cost?

This treatment cost is 200£ and last 90 min. Click the link at the top right of the page to make your appointment for best deep cleansing facial in London.